Some of the most popular Remington shotguns are:
Articles on Remington Shotguns
Remington 11-87 Sportsman: When Enough is Enough
Sporting auto shotguns have escalated in price in the last decade as companies meet the wider performance window many hunters demand. Dedicated waterfowlers are shooting 3 1/2″ autos to launch enough steel shot for far away ducks and geese. Turkey hunters demand the same thing, but for launching buckets of lead in beachball-size patterns. What if you’re like me and only occasionally hunt waterfowl and mostly hunt upland birds like dove, quail, chukar and shoot recreational skeet and sporting clays? For such occasions I don’t need a gun costing in excess of $1,200. If geese, duck and turkey were my passion, then yes, I would need one. It does improve the odds.
Remington 870P MAX
To me the test of time is one of the most important measures of the success or failure of any firearm. When we work within a field where the technology is very mature, truly new stuff is hard to find. Often we see the same basic action adapted to fill different roles. That is how it is with the Remington 870 pump. Since it has been in continuous production since 1950, I guess we’d have to call it a success. More than 7 million sold removes the guesswork.
Remington’s 332: A new gun, a good dog and bob whites – Charley spends a morning in paradise
If I had to characterize the Model 332 I would use words like “versatile” and “utilitarian.” The production model, which is competitively priced, will do a lot of things well. I’ve used it for skeet, sporting clays and quail hunting and with the exception of swapping a few Remchoke tubes there has been no need to mess with it.
Remington 1100 competition master – Out of the Box
If there has ever been an all-around champ of shotguns it must be the Remington 1100. It was the first widely successful gas-operated semiautomatic shotgun; heck successful isn’t even close to being superlative enough. Hugely successful is modest praise.
Remington Model 300
The Remington Ideal 300 is an ideal Over/Under indeed.
Manuals for Remington Shotguns
Remington 870
Remington 1100
Remington 11-87
Books on Remington Shotguns

The History of Remington Firearms: The History of One of the World’s Most Famous Gun Makers
A detailed and beautifully illustrated book that tells the full story of Remington firearms model by model with more than 200 clear photographs. Separate sections cover all the company’s output, including Pistols and Revolvers, Rifles and Carbines, and Shotguns. The range of firearms discussed spans everything from Rider’s diminutive parlor pistol, which relied on a percussion cap to propel its diminutive .17 projectile, to the might .30 caliber Browning Machine Gun of 1917 which had a firepower capability of 600 rounds per minute. Many interesting historical pictures and company posters complete the story.

Remington: America’s Oldest Gunmaker (The Official Authorized History of the Remington Arms Company)
A history of the Remington Arms Company from 1816 to the present and complete description of every model of rifle, shotgun and pistol produced by the company. Beautifully illustrated with vintage photos, illustrations and advertisements and specially produced color photographs of all models. The first complete description of every Remington firearms produced. A must for every Remington collector.

The Art of Remington Arms
Stunningly illustrated with over 225 paintings used by Remington Arms. The artists include such greats as: Bob Kuhn; Tom Beecham; Philip R Goodwin; N. C. Wyeth; Lynn Bogue Hunt; Edmund Osthaus; Frank Stick; Arthur Fuller; Robert Lougheed, Gustav Muss-Arnolt, William Harnden Foster and many more. Preface by renowned Master Artist Bob Kuhn (48 illustrations by Kuhn). Superb text by Tom Davis who writes about the collection and gives a history of each painting and the Artist. Includes a comprehensive index of Sporting Calendars and Posters of Remington Arms, Peters. An invaluable reference; a delight for the eyes!

Remington Autoloading and Pump-Action Rifles
Remington Autoloading and Pump-Action Rifles is an illustrated history of Remington’s centerfire Models 760, 740, 742, 7400 and 7600. The book is thoroughly researched and features many previously-unpublished photographs of the rifles, their accessories and accoutrements.
Chapters include the rifles�’ beginnings, the 760, 740, 742, a new generation of rifles, the 7400 and 7600, the Models Four and Six, the Sportsman 74 and 76, high grade rifles, commemorative rifles, unusual and experimental rifles, magazines, patents, after-market accessories, information on collecting rifles, and serial numbers and barrel codes. The book includes a bibliography and an index.
The Remington Arms Company historian said of the book, “As complete a history of any firearm that I have ever read; all the elements are there. Myszkowski is the authority on modern Remington pump and autoloading rifles. If one has a question about them, the answer is in his book.”

Remington Shotguns: The Golden Age of Collecting
Robert W. D. Bell has done a good job of writing a book that will catch the eye of the novice collector or even the the average gun owner but has enough serious content to be of use to serious Remington collectors. It is concise and well layed out with beautifully photographed firearms which be a real help in identifing that old Remington gun that Grandpa had or be the first book an antique dealer consults when finding the word Remington on an old gun.