Marlin Firearms, an American gun manufacturer, was founded by John Mahlon Marlin in 1870.
Marlin Firearms is famous for its lever action rifles and for its .22 rimfire rifles.
In 2003, Marlin Firearms acquired the assets of H&R 1871, the world’s largest manufacturer of single-shot shotguns and rifles. This gave Marlin Fireams control over the brands Harrington & Richardson, Wesson & Harrington, and New England Firearms.
In addition, Marlin Firearms acquired the L.C. Smith company in 1945 and sells firearms under that name.
Perhaps the most popular Marlin firearm is the Marlin 336 lever-action rifle.
Articles on Marlin Firearms
Marlin and H&R 1871 Merge
Marlin Firearms, one of the country’s largest and oldest manufacturers of lever-action rifles, announced in November that the company had purchased the assets of H&R 1871, the world’s largest manufacturer of break-action, single-shot rifles and shotguns. According to Marlin executives, production of H&R 1871 guns will continue at that company’s Gardener, Mass., plant, with no “significant changes” anticipated in either personnel or production.
Articles on Marlin Rifles
The Marlin 1894CL .32-20: a fun little gun in a fun little chambering
This modern version of the old 1894 has a 22″ barrel and a short magazine tube holding six rounds. The stock is a straight-grip style with the normal good quality Marlin walnut used in both butt stock and forearm. The action contains a hammer block safety and, like all Marlins, is easily scoped.
Marlin’s stainless .44 Magnum
Now we have a stainless steel lever action Marlin Model 1894 SS, and this just may be the ideal woods rifle. The material is the main thing to distinguish this model from other Marlin .44s. It’s compact with a 19.5-inch barrel and straight grip stock with 14-inch length of pull. These dimensions fit most folks and I found the little carbine to handle with ease.
Marlin’s .38-55 – Long Range Cowboy Levergun
Marlin recently unveiled an exciting offering of short, handy leverguns with octagonal barrels and straight grip stocks. Available on a limited basis through one particular distributor, Davidson’s, these guns come in both .41 Mag. and .45-70. Additionally, two new standard catalog items are Long Range Cowboy Leverguns in both .30-30 and .38-55.
Custom Marlin leverguns: big-bores for bear, boar and buffalo
If there is anything that even comes close to rivaling a big-bore sixgun when hunting deer, bear, or wild hogs in heavy brush or timber, it is a short-barreled lever-action chambered in a big-bore sixgun or rifle cartridge.
Marlin 444 Outfitter
Fast, handy, and powerful — this new .444 from Marlin fills all the requirements of the perfect brush gun.
Marlin 1897 Cowboy
The New Model 1897 Cowboy rifle has the same look and feel of the commemorative version, but sports a plain-sided receiver with no engraving or gold inlays.
Articles on Marlin Shotguns
Marlin’s “Garden Gun” – Model 25MG
Marlin has resurrected rimfire shotguns with its new Model 25MG “Garden Gun.” This bolt-action seven-shot repeater chambers potent .22 WMR shotshells made exclusively by CCI. Its 22″ barrel has no pattern-destroying lands or grooves. This gun is specifically designed for shotshell use. It can also fire standard .22 Magnum bulleted ammo, but don’t expect stellar accuracy.
Articles on Marlin Ammunition
The .450 Marlin
In collaboration with Hornady, Marlin has created a new levergun cartridge that is ideal for deer or black bear in brush country.
Levergun loads: the .444 Marlin
If simply looking for a big bore levergun cartridge that would readily handle anything in North America short of the big bears, the choice would be a .444 Marlin. Come to think of it, even with the big bears included this would not be such a bad choice.
Handloading the .444 Marlin
The .444 Marlin fills an important shooting niche. It does with a 300 gr. bullet what the .45-70 accomplishes with a 400 gr. bullet. Accompanying recoil is, of course, significantly less. Hornady, Sierra and Speer all now offer 300 gr. bullets suitable for use in the .444 Marlin. Accuracy with them is superb.
The .450 Marlin: A Magnum in Disguise
The new cartridge, called the .450 Marlin, may not bear a magnum label, but it still gives magnum-style performance.
Marlin Firearms Patents
Lockable firearm safety device
Lockable firearm safety device
Lockable firearm safety device
Lockable firearm safety
Detonator assembly
Lockable firearm safety
Lockable firearm safety
Cocking mechanism for a muzzle loading firearm
Detonator assembly
Firearm barrel assembly
Firearm safety lock assembly
Two stage trigger assembly
Firearm safety
Buttplate with sliding cover for buttstock storage chamber
Last shot bolt hold-open device
Method of forming cartridge chambers in firearm barrels
Semi-automatic reloading firearm
Method of straightening firearm barrels
Safety marker for firearm
Books on Marlin Firearms

Marlin Firearms: A History of the Guns and the Company That Made Them
A history of Marlin firearms from 1863 to the present – the company and the men who made it. Includes details of all models of rifles and the many other Marlin products.

Marlin .22 Exotic Weapons System
Learn how to make your own “poor man’s MP5” from the popular and affordable Marlin .22. This versatile, ultracompact machine pistol will shoot 1,500+ rpm like the MP5 but is half the size of the German import in weight and length. Construction requiresonly common tools and materials.