Articles on Colt Handguns
Articles on Colt Semi-Automatic Pistols
Colt 1903 redux: some dead horses aren’t
Some guns are timeless in design and function. The Colt 1911 is the foremost example, yet I’ve always thought the Colt 1903 Pocket was too. It hasn’t been made since WWII, but Colt did make 572,215 1903 .32s and 138,009 1908 .380s before shelving the design. Although many of these guns are highly desirable collector’s items and should be left in their existing state, there are many more rusting away with little or no finish and pitted outer metal still able to perform yeoman duty as a defensive gun.
The Colt 1911 Gunsite Pistol: re-birth of a classic idea
The pistol was to be a fighting tool, and nothing else. Did Colt do that? I think so, and so does Gunsite. In over 500 rounds of .45 loads, fired by three different shooters without cleaning, there was not a bobble, not the slightest hint of malfunction. The pistol was accurate–probably more accurate than was necessary given its mission–and utterly reliable. It’s a pistol Colt and Gunsite can be proud of.
Colt’s Depp Cover 9mm
Parabellum power in a .380-sized pistol, the new Pocket Nine comes with special tactical features.
Articles on Colt Revolvers
The colt snubbies: once the quintessential cop gun, the “Dick” special still serves
Colt has made many types of revolvers over the years, but the family of small, solid frame, simultaneous ejection swing-out cylinder revolvers known as the Detective Special, the Cobra and the Agent were among the most popular revolvers Colt ever made.
Colt’s New Service
By the end of the 1880s, Colt’s began a line of Army and Navy double action revolvers that were the first to have swing out cylinders.
Big, bold and beautiful: Colt’s New Service: or one man’s talent for swiping dad’s guns
No other big bore double action six gun has ever intrigued and fascinated my narrow little mind quite like Colt’s big New Service revolver. During its 1898 to 1944 production run, its been called everything from raw-boned ugly, to gracefully sexy. As is often the case, the truth lies somewhere in between.
The Colt New Service Border Patrol revolver: an original ‘fightin’ sixgun
The Coil New Service in .38 Special was personally selected for Border Patrol issue by the late Col. Charles Askins, renowned U.S. Border Patrolman and firearms instructor. Chosen for its robust, heavy duty qualities, the Colt New Service .38 Special was also adopted with fixed sights for the same reason.
For want of a cavalry Colt: one man’s quest for a dream-gun
Colt introduced the Single Action Army and its .45 Colt cartridge in 1873 and the U.S. Army accepted it that same year for cavalry service. In fact, the 7th Cavalry’s 1874 summer expedition to explore the Black Hills area was delayed until the regiment’s new Colt revolvers arrived via railroad from the east. From 1873 until 1892 the Colt SAA .45 was standard issue for U.S. Army horse soldiers, and it actually remained in their hands for some time after the official adoption of a Colt double-action .38 revolver in the early 1890s.
The Single Action Army Colt’s legendary Model P
In 1877, the Colt Model P was chambered in .44-40 as a companion piece to the Winchester Model 1873 levergun. About this same time the first Colt Single Action Army with a 43/4-inch barrel was offered. The three standard barrel lengths are known as the Cavalry Model (7 1/2 inch), Artillery Model (5 1/2 inch), and Civilian Model (4 3/4 inch).
Colt model 1849 pocket pistol
Colt’s experiences with military contracts had convinced him that his business would have to serve a much larger and more stable market in order to survive and grow. In 1847, he announced plans to produce a revolver of manageable size and simple construction that would be useful to the general public.
Do-It-Yourself Gunsmithing Parts And Accessories For Colt And Ruger Single-Actions
Custom pistolsmiths are doing a thriving business providing a service for those who prefer their sixguns a cut above. Rechamberings are big these days with .44 Magnums becoming .45 Colts, .475 and .500 Linebaughs.
The New Colt Single Action Army
Rumors of its demise are greatly exaggerated — the greatest sixgun in history is still available from Colt.
Articles on Colt Handgun Ammunition
The Custom Loading .45 Colt
Even though the .45 Colt cartridge will celebrate its 125th anniversary very shortly, it is still our most versatile sixgun cartridge. There are few sixgun cartridges that can best it in any one category, and certainly none can do so as an all-around sixgun cartridge. It simply does it all.
Manuals for Colt Handguns
22 Cal. Conversion Unit Semiautomatic Series 80 Pistol
22 Pistol and Target Model
All American Model 2000
Automatic Caliber .25
Automatic Junior Caliber .25 Pistol
Automatic Pistol Caliber .25 Pocket Model, Hammerless
Automatic Pistol Pocket Model Caliber .32 and .380 Hammerless
Automatic Pistol Pocket Model Caliber .38
Cap and Ball Revolvers
Challenger Automatic Pistol Caliber
Cowboy Single Action Revolver
Detective and Commando Special, Diamondback, Police Positive, Agent, Cobra, Viper
Double Action Revolver
Double Action Series 90 – 380 and 9mm Auto Pistol
Double Eagle
Frontier Scout Buntline ’62 and Frontier Scout ’62 Revolvers
Gold Cup National Match MKIV-Series 70
Government Model MKIV Series 70-Model O
Government Model MKIV Series 70-Model O1970A1
Huntsman Automatic Pistol
Lawman MK V, Trooper MK V, Peacekeeper
Lawman MK III, Trooper MK III
MKIV Series 80 and 90 Pistol (Government, Combat Commander, Defender, 1991A1, Officers ACP)
MKIV Series 80 Pistol (Gold Cup, Delta Gold Cup)
MKIV Series 80-380 Auto Pistol (Government – Mustang)
New Frontier, New Frontier Buntline
Single Action Army Revolver
Woodsman Automatic Pistol Match Target Heavy Barrel Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Woodsman Automatic Pistol Match Target
Woodsman Automatic Pistol Target-Sport Model
WWI Reproduction Pistol Model M1911
WWII Reproduction Pistol Model M1911A1
Books on Colt Handguns

The Government Models: The Development of the Colt Model of 1911
The most authoritative source on the development of the world’s most popular military pistol. Includes an illustrated description and analysis of all the variations, including rare factory models. A beautiful color section shows a wide selection of the most exciting Colt M1911s ever made. One hundred and ten pages of complete factory shipping records allow individual pistols to be researched by serial number! These records include all martial and thousands of commercial big frame Colt autos through the last Transition Government Model of 1924. Carefully designed for quick reference and distinctive appearance, Goddards “The Government Models” is a must for every enthusiast of Colts and military firearms.

The Gun Digest Book of the 1911
From the publishers of Gun Digest comes a comprehensive book on the most popular pistol in the world, the Model 1911.
This complete guide to the Model 1911 covers maintenance, improvements and accessories to maximize the performance of this famous gun. Top semi-custom guns are tested and evaluated as this book compares each model and variation. The author also includes repair tips and information on buying a used 1911.
- Comprehensive companion book to annual Gun Digest issue
- Complete guide of all models and variations of the Model 1911
- More than 700 photos aid in detailed identification
- Tips on buying a used 1911

Tactical 1911: The Street Cop’s And SWAT Operator’s Guide To Employment And Maintenance
The renaissance of the venerable Colt 1911 in .45 ACP has caused many cops to sit up and take notice. Here is the only book you will ever need to teach you how to select, modify, employ and maintain your Colt. Every critical aspect of the 1911 is here, including detailed information on sights, magazines, holsters, guide rods, serrations, finishes and much more.

Classic Colt Peacemakers
The love affair with the Colt Peacemaker started more than 100 years ago. Today, millions of people recognize this revolver as “the gun that won the West.” Collectors are paying all-time high prices and with the rise of Cowboy Action Shooting, more people than ever are falling in love again with the Peacemaker. This is a look at the best of the best, the most storied, adorned and collectible examples of this popular revolver. Reach for this book to see rare and one-of-a-kind guns and read the stories behind them. Nothing fuels the romance of the Old West like the image of a Peacemaker and this book highlights some of the finest examples ever found.

Colt Single Action Army Revolver Study: New Discoveries
It has been over a quarter of a century since the publication of A Study of the Colt Single Action Revolver, the classic, definitive guide to the Colt Single Action, the world’s most famous and popular pistol. Now C. Kenneth Moore, one of the original authors, is back to fill in the gaps and set the record straight. Decades in the making, this impressive new study brings us entirely up to date, including all the new research that the author has painstakingly gathered over the years. Inside these covers, each page is just packed with useful information about the Single Action – nearly all from primary, archival sources and presented here for the very first time. The serial number data alone will astound you. Also included: * Automatic Ejector Models, * Special section on low serial numbers, * U.S. Army testing data, * New details about militia S.A.A.s, * A true wealth of cartridge info. This is the kind of detailed knowledge that Colt collectors demand, and no collector of Colt revolvers can afford to go without this valuable new resource.

Colt Single Action Army Revolvers – U.S. Alterations
A comprehensive history of the revolvers that collectors call Artillery Models. These are the most historical of all S.A.A. Colts, and this new book covers all the details with a stunning amount of new information taken directly from archival sources. Heavily illustrated, and featuring important serial number data, this book will be a must-buy for all martial Colt collectors and historians of the Spanish-American War.

Colt’s Single Action Army Revolver: The Legend, The Romance And The Rivals
Colt’s single action army revolver is the one revolver that captures the spirit of the American cowboy and holds the attention of gun enthusiasts and collectors around the world. It has been in almost continuous production since 1873, copied by more than a dozen manufacturers and remains as popular today as it was more than a century ago.
In Colt’s Single Action Army Revolver, author Doc O’Meara takes readers on a journey of discovery looking at this remarkable revolver from its beginnings. With production figures and serial number information, O’Meara serves collectors and historians. He also tests several modern reproductions of Colts and their rivals, providing ballistic and accuracy data for the shooter.