The #2A is about protecting the people’s rights and freedoms and fighting against tyranny and tyrants.
John Matthews
The drug cartel, terrorists, and criminals will get guns and other weapons no matter how many laws you make restricting the law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. Gun control is not about guns in particular, it is about controlling and enslaving the people. Law breakers and criminals are by definition law breakers, how is making more restrictive laws going to help? You need to get rid of the problem at its source and guns are not the source. Guns do not create violence people do.
scary how many folks consider this a radical, paranoid opinion when it is in fact exactly what the founders intended
“The main reason for the right of the people to keep & bear arms is to protect against tyranny in Government”~T. Jefferson.
The 2nd amend is about protecting ourselves and our country against tyrants and an unconstitutional government gone rogue.
The 2nd amend is about protecting ourselves and our country against tyrants and an unconstitutional government gone rogue.
That’s right. It’s about oppressive government…. Like ours.
The 2nd Amendment means to take our #guns & give them to drug cartels & terrorists! #guncontrol ~
Its about defending yourself , your family , your property . In that order LOL
“: The Second Amendment is Not About Hunting Deer ->”. RT OR ANY OTHER 4 LEGGED ANIMAL.
I figure it is about a political revolt, independence from England, protection from the French up north and natives.
The #2A is about protecting the people’s rights and freedoms and fighting against tyranny and tyrants.
The drug cartel, terrorists, and criminals will get guns and other weapons no matter how many laws you make restricting the law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. Gun control is not about guns in particular, it is about controlling and enslaving the people. Law breakers and criminals are by definition law breakers, how is making more restrictive laws going to help? You need to get rid of the problem at its source and guns are not the source. Guns do not create violence people do.
A fricken men
Nor is it limited to protecting one’s loved ones at home. It is about self rule not self defense.
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